Maternity Care

The final report by Senior Midwife Donna Ockenden follows her independent review into the maternity care at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust. The report has found catastrophic failures that may have contributed to the death of over 200 babies, 9 mothers and caused life-changing injuries to many others.   This review of maternity services…

clinical negligence cleveleys

Clinical Negligence Claims

We are very lucky to have the NHS and we all rely upon the dedication and commitment of Doctors, Nurses and Therapists at some point in our lives.  The vast majority of people will receive excellent care by a committed and passionate medical profession.  Occasionally avoidable mistakes are made which can have life changing consequences…


LIVING WITH COVID-19 IN THE WORKPLACE   On 21st February this year the Government made an announcement of its strategy for living with Covid-19. That strategy has a number of implications for Employers and Employees alike. Can an Employee still receive Statutory Sick Pay after 24th March? Until the 24th March 2022, the law was…

clinical negligence solicitors blackpool

Clinical Negligence Solicitors

Specialist Clinical Negligence Lawyers PHH Solicitors are respected Clinical Negligence Lawyers, serving the Fylde Coast and Lancashire region. Our expert Cinical Negligence Claim Solicitors can help, should you have been severely injured, or a family member died as a result of a medical treatment wrongdoing or medical malpractice. We can advise and assist with: Cancer…

remote will signing blackpool

Remote Will Signing Q & A

REMOTE WILL SIGNING Q & A I am thinking about making a new Will, but I am worried how it can be done safely? Under Section 9 of the 1837 Wills Act, to correctly execute a Will the ‘Testator’ or person making the will must sign the will in the presence of 2 witnesses. The…

lasting power of attorney blackpool

Lasting Power of Attorney Q & A

LASTING POWER of ATTORNEY Q & A I have been advised to prepare a Power of Attorney but do not know what it is? A lasting power of attorney is a document that allows someone to make decisions on your behalf about matters concerning you, when you are no longer able to make those decisions…

No Fault Divorce Solicitors

No Fault Divorce Q & A

NO FAULT DIVORCE Q & A I have read that Divorce Law has changed recently, is that true? The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill was given Royal Assent on 25th June 2020, meaning the Bill was converted into a new Act of Law. There will be no fault Divorce in this country, but not just…

Say you ‘WILL’ in October

Trinity Hospice WILL Month Will month for Trinity runs for the duration of October. Clients wanting to participate in the scheme need to make an appointment to make a will as normal with us. You will need to tell us when you make the appointment that they want to participate in the Trinity Hospice ‘WILL…

fixed fee divorce blackpool

Fixed Fee Divorce Specialists

PHH Solicitors are recognised as Fixed Fee Divorce specialists on the Fylde Coast and across Lancashire areas. If the terms of your divorce are agreed and uncontested, our Divorce Solicitors can help you with your Application for a Fixed Fee Divorce. The Application can be dealt with by post or with a personal attendance at…

contentious probate solicitor blackpool

What is Contentious Probate?

Contentious Probate The term ‘Contentious Probate’ refers to a dispute over the administration of a deceased person’s will. Contentious Probate is sometimes also reffered to as a ‘Will Dispute’ meaning it is disputing either the interpretation or the validity of a deceased person’s will. There are however a wide range of issues that could be…